S.P.A. Signature Factor Guide is the easiest and the most relevant fragrance buying guide on the web.

signature factor guide basics
S.P.A. stands for Scent, Performance, and Accessibility. By answering the 10 simple questions, this guide helps you decide if a particular fragrance is worth checking out.
Each category is created to target different emotions and needs which gives you important insights about your perfume taste and stands as an efficient buying guide.
Finding a signature perfume was never this easy.

Understanding the scoring system
All you have to do is to answer each question with a simple Yes or No. For each yes, you add one point, and if it’s a no, you don’t add anything.
As simple as that, using light psychology, the road to your personal signature perfume is at the tips of your fingers.
The great thing about this guide is that you can come back to it in the future and your opinion may change.
final score meaning
Answering the questions shouldn’t take more than three minutes for the first time.
In case your final score is anywhere between 0 – 6, it is recommended to avoid that particular perfume at this time.
The final score that is between 7 – 10 range suggests that the perfume should be sampled or purchased.

download the s.p.a. Signature factor guide
This guide is free for anyone to download and use for personal and non-commercial use. It is prohibited to use any form of content from Scent Grail for commercial/material purposes without written consent from the author. Scent Grail content is protected by copyright laws.
S.P.A. Guide is downloaded. 🙂
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